
24th June 2020

Gillian Jones Designs

As part of Forces Family Friday we like to shout out some veteran and milspouse businesses , and today we are focusing on the amazing Gillian Jones Designs! About Gillian As she mentions on her website, Gillian has had what you could call a “portfolio career” as she accomplished a BEng and PhD in manufacturing engineering [...]
Armed Forces, Information, Military Life
17th June 2020

Important changes to Critical and serious illness cover for the Armed Forces, including reservists

On June 13th 2020 one of the Armed Forces favoured life and serious illness insurer’s, Vitality, announced changes in the way they underwrite and choose to offer cover to those serving for the British Armed forces, which also includes reservists. For some time, they and one other insurer have been the only mainstream insurance companies [...]
Armed Forces, Information, LIfe Insurance
5th June 2020

Homeschooling – Helping your child learn

Homeschool is new territory of a lot of people, and it can be difficult to organising and declutter your space to turn your home into an effective learning environment, so we thought we’d share some tips. Set up your space Similarly to working to home, you need to have a separate space in your house [...]
30th May 2020

The Big Support

Times are tough at the moment for a lot of people, and it’s particularly hard to be a small business in a time like this which is why The InDependent Spouse and Small Business Britain teamed up and started a campaign to support these businesses and showcase a different one each day throughout the month of [...]
30th April 2020

5 Top Tips for Working from Home

Due to recent events a lot of us have had to work from home, and at Forces Family Finance we understand how difficult this change can be, so we decided to compile a list of our top tips to help keep you productive at home! 1. Get dressed for work Staying in your pyjamas all […]

18th March 2020

COVID-19: Guidance and advice for military personnel

Clearly there is a lot of information coming through about the ongoing coronavirus situation which is also constantly changing. At Forces Family Finance we understand the specific issues that you may be concerned about and that effect you directly, so as well as pushing through information related to mortgage, insurance and finance policy, we wanted […]

Armed Forces, Information
4th March 2020

Military Wives Film – Worth a watch?

Early screening Forces Family Finance were lucky enough to watch a preview of the Military wives film, which isn’t set to be released to UK Cinema’s until tomorrow (6th March 2020) check out the trailer for it here. Military Life Some parts of this film were absolute genius, some were a bit cringe (not quite reality?) […]

Armed Forces, Information, Military Life
3rd March 2020

Armed Forces Covenant signing

Military wives, Veterans, Service Leavers, Reservists and the MOD join forces for Mass Armed Forces Covenant signing in London The Armed Forces Covenant was introduced to the British public circa 2000 and is a promise by the nation ensuring that those who serve or who have served in the armed forces, and their families, are treated fairly and not […]

Armed Forces, Information
7th February 2020

Protecting yourself from scams

Fraudsters are using sophisticated ways to part savers from their money Pension and investment scams are on the increase in the UK. Everyday fraudsters are using sophisticated ways to part savers from their money, and the Internet and advances in digital communications mean these kinds of scams are getting more common and harder to identify. [...]
Armed Forces, Information